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Pinch Block for Grip Strength Training with Loading Pin

Pinch Block for Grip Strength Training with Loading Pin

Regular price $74.99 AUD
Regular price $79.99 AUD Sale price $74.99 AUD
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All bouldering/ rock climbing routes include pinching on hold/ rock. A mighty pinch strength helps you to grip harder holds more effectively. Apart from improving the ability to climb, a power pinch will also help improve handing endurance, which is essential when climbing longer routes or challenging boulders.

Pinch blocks are proven tools for enhancing finger strength by improving your pinch strength. It has also been proven helpful for weightlifters to lift bigger weights, as stronger grip = bigger lifts.

  • This pinch block will improve your finger strength and pinch strength. It's a double-sided wooden block, and it comes with a strong strap loading pin and a strong carabiner clip with a loading capacity of at least 80kg. It is easy to add or remove weight plates on the loading pin.
  • It comes with versatile training options for improving grip strength and pinch strength. This pinch block offers versatile training to maximise your forearm strength, pinch strength and grip strength.
  • Side A for farmer crimps: Side A offers a four-finger edge (16mm &13 mm), three-finger edge (20mm), and one-finger edge (18mm) to train and improve finger strength. One finger pocket helps train each finger separately- you can individually train your weaker finger to improve overall grip strength.
  • Side B for pinch strength: Side B of this pinch block offers three options of 19mm depth (large pinch), 13mm depth (medium pinch) and 15mm depth (small pinch) grip positions for pinch grip training.
  • Strengthen all five fingers, including the thumb. Thumb strength is vital for better pinch strength. 
  • Compliments hangboard training workout as pinch block improves thumb strength, which is not enhanced by hangboard training.
  • Use the loading pin for additional strength training such as the weighted pull-up, weighted dead hang, weighted hangboard training etc.
  • It comes with a mobile holder to help measure your pinch duration using a mobile app/stopwatch.


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